Friday, May 4, 2012

Inner City? Really?

Dear Barb Lombardo,

Saratoga Springs DOES NOT have an "inner city." Really, who do you think you're kidding? Any outside person would assume Price Chopper has made some noble commitment to battle urban decline and minority disenfranchisement by your ridiculous banter. The new Price Chopper is for the Liz Bishops of the world and everybody knows it...except you.


  1. Hey, if it's good enough for Liz, it's good enough for me. Now can we please have a Trader Joe's complete with a wine shop???

    1. Sorry, Trader Joe's doesn't like inner cities... doesn't fit their demographic. What with all the poor minorities and such.

  2. Ben
    I will spoon-feed you these clues, the rest is up to you.

    Do you think it is purely coincidental that Barb likes the Price Chopper, and likes it enough to write a glowing report?

    C'mon man...

    Put this together, will you please....
    Price Chopper = Golub
    Ben & Bill's Deli
    The arrival of Boar's Head brand meats (exclusively)
    Owner of Boar's Head brands donates heavily to DNC.
    Boar's Head receives $311,000 worth of tax incentives.
    Feingold , Brunckhorst

    C'mon man

  3. Golub is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican. The only thing to figure out here is that Barb Lombardo wouldn't know or care about good news if slapped her in the face and that the moron copy editors at the Saratogian clearly don't have a concept for what most cognizant readers regard as an 'inner city.' Bash them for that, sure. But I think you're really stretching if you're linking incompetance at the Saratogian to some sort of Democratic conspiracy theory...

  4. the rude pundit

    "Journalist" Wife of Romney Adviser Says Obama Is Condescending to Women:

    So failed former CNN anchoress, Campbell Brown, writes in yesterday's New York Times that President Obama was being oh-so patronizing to women in his commencement address at Barnard College and in his campaign. And she actually says, "The Republican primaries probably did turn some women away." That's like saying that herpes sores probably prevented someone from getting laid. No, the sores are disgusting. No fucking for you.

  5. From the Wrap

    After years of outrageous and sometimes inflammatory public statements, Tracy Morgan was somber and reserved during an appearance on "Conan" Tuesday.

    Kidding. The "30 Rock" star said President Obama was a "gangbanger" and should celebrate Osama bin Laden's death with a gangster-style teardrop tattoo. He also said he may vote for Mitt Romney so that he can have four wives.

    "He’s from Utah, right? They’re Mormons? They’ve got many wives?" Morgan said. "There you go! Responsible leadership [or] four wives? I’m going with four wives."

    Why? Because all he wants from life is to "do karate and make babies," he explained.

    Morgan was making a lot of sense to us, but then some Googling revealed that Mormons, in fact, banned polygamy in 1890. The church has no official position on karate.

    Morgan also said he thinks the killing of bin Laden will help Obama's re-election chances.

    "If you assassinate foreign dictators, you bangin'. He should get a teardrop right here," Morgan said, pointing to his eye.

  6. David Blight of Yale University, the first Memorial Day took place on May 1, 1865 in Charleston, SC, after a group of African-Americans, mostly former slaves, gave 257 Union soldiers a proper burial. The black community in Charleston then consecrated the new cemetery with “an unforgettable parade of 10,000 people,” led by 3,000 black school children. It was initially called “Decoration Day.”

  7. 2 June 2012 From the internet

    “Sick days seem to be a thing of the past -- and the weak economy may be to blame. In the first three months of 2011, sick days accounted for an average of just 0.7 percent of all scheduled worker days, according to data released this week by Bloomberg BNA. As the Nashville Business Journal points out, that's less than half the rate at which workers were taking sick days in early 2006, before the Great Recession hit.”

    I would bet you a dollar to a dime this statistic does not hold true for government workers. Just for shit and giggles I would be interesting to get these numbers from the city and school district.


  8. Stephen Colbert has a theory about how President Obama could win a second term in November.
    In 2004, Colbert noted, anti-gay marriage initiatives in several swing states helped draw out conservative voters who supported George W. Bush.

    "'Cause nothing gets value voters to pull the lever like the thought of two guys pulling each other's levers," Colbert said on Thursday's "Colbert Report."

    This year, he said, swing states including Colorado, Ohio and Michigan may have pro-marijuana initiatives on the ballot. They could draw out liberals who will vote for Obama.
    "This is the ultimate grassroots campaign," Colbert said. "These pro-pot initiatives, if they make it onto the ballot, I say Romney is doomed.

    'Cause we all know pot smokers are highly motivated, organized and punctual. There is nothing they would love more than getting off the couch, putting on pants, and going to high school gyms packed with judgmental old people."

    He added: "Romney's only hope is that on Nov. 6, Discovery runs a 'Planet Earth' marathon."
