Thursday, April 12, 2012

Headline Of The Day

I only hope there comes a day when school administrators and news outlets that publish their rubbish are repeatedly flogged by long lengths of processed meats. Much like the enormous hot dogs that are currently (and very appropriately, I might add) stuffing the crusts of Pizza in Europe. Here's the headline, verbatim from The Saratogian:

"Saratoga Springs City School District, under superindendent destignate's direction, looks to restructure upper-level administrative posts"

It would appear that, indeed, the evil Sith Lord Superindendent Destignate is restructuring the administration at the SSCSD. And, his evil apparently knows no bounds:

Destignate's plan "abolishes four cabinet positions - assistant superintendent for secondary education, assistant superintendent of elementary education, director of information technology and director of assessment and staff development...Those positions will then be replaced with assistant superintendent of 21st Century Teaching and Learning, assistant superintendent of information technology and operational innovation, K-12 Director of Literacy and K-12 Director of Mathematics, Science and Technology Integration."

Oh, the horror! Such wanton name-changing is unprecedented in the history of the Republic. One can only hope the crack squad at the Saratogian stays on top of this troubling development.

As an aside, I think its quite clear to all of us why the Saratogian is literally buried in accolades from the prestigious Local Media Association.

May the force be with us.


  1. MAN!!! Superintendent Destignate heats me. We, as a community, should really band together to oust Destignate so he can't meddle with our beloved school titles. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!

    I also here Destignate is a casual animal abuser during his spare time...that dastardly Destignate.

  2. Oooooh, did I just detect some sarcasm about a misspelled word....destignate?

    MAN!!! (Did I copy the proper number of exclamation points?) and did I spell exclamation properly ???

    Or am I missing the intent of the post? If so, I am sorry.
    Always hard to tell when there is some sarcasm involved.

    1. I'll try to tone down the sarcasm:

      There were actually two spelling mistakes. I'd apologize for the extensive use of large misspelled words but thats all on the Saratogian.

      Now, misspelled words are totally appropriate in the blogosphere. They're not however, appropriate on the front page of a news website. This instance reveals three district fuck ups on the part of the Saratogian:

      1. The reporter can't spell
      2. The editor can't edit and,
      3. No one took the time to look at the website after the fact and correct the problem

      All that within the context of an article about changing useless titles in the school district administration. I.e., all that within a piece of news that isn't even news.

      Admittedly, it's not watergate but at least dense folks like yourself now know how to spell superintendent .

  3. Ben
    I thought 7:00 was hitting on you. So I was defending you.
    I didn't read the article properly.

  4. Groundhog Day all over again.

    The Saratogain is reporting breaking news that PJs Barbeque is opening again for the the 30th year.

    Give me a fuck'n gun, I can't take it anymore.


  5. Is tofu on the menu?
