Friday, April 27, 2012

A Little Heads-Up for the TU

When you run a story about a waste to energy plant being proposed next to the Port of Albany you might want to get a comment from Mayor Jerry Jennings. Why? Because Mayor Jerry, in the vaguest of terms, has claimed that just such a plant will remedy the $10,000,000+ budget shortfall the City of Albany will experience once the Rapp Rd. Landfill closes. Now, call me crazy, but it seems highly unlikely that the area will accommodate not one, but two such plants in the very near future.


  1. Didn't Albany close down one of those trash plants 20 years ago because of the stink and pollution?


  2. From the internet...

    In 1982 an oil burning steam generating plant in Sheridan Hollow was converted to burn garbage in 1982 at the suggestion of Mayor Erastus Corning 2nd as part of the Albany New York Solid Waste Energy Recovery System (ANSWERS). Since Sheridan Hollow is a ravine and the smoke stacks are high enough to be at the level with the surrounding rim most of the pollution from the stacks ended up in neighboring Arbor Hill. Allen Hershkowitz, director of the Solid Waste and Energy Project for INFORM, a conservation research organization, said of the plant in 1986 that it "is the worst plant I've seen in the world."[21] The garbage burning aspect of the plant was closed in 1994 by order of Governor Mario Cuomo.

