Friday, April 6, 2012

What About Our Furry Friends?

At the request of a reader from a previous post I provide a wider map showing the habitat of friendly woodland creatures (aka the Blodgett property) in relation to other public access points in the Lake Lonely/Saratoga Lake/Kaydeross Creek area. As previously reported, the City is seeking to impact prime wildlife habitat to provide surface parking and creek access for kayakers and canoeists. This project will alter wetlands and introduce human activity into an otherwise lovely forested wetland area.


  1. P.L.A.N. can't meet their financial obligations with the properties that they now have....Can't forget about the "forever wild" property that they were given right next to the Saratoga Battlefield (Route 4)....then they sold it and now has a private house on it....

    Maybe the vineyard that they are cultivating on their Greenfield property will pay for everything...eventually.

  2. Yes, the PLAN trail at Satatoga National is closed as well due to neglect. While it seems PLAN has nothing to do with this purchase, they offer a valuable lesson in demonstrating the costs of stewardship and the folly of best laid plans.

  3. The trail is closed at the Saratoga National Golf Course ? Perhaps it is for the better, as the owner never finished the addition 1800 feet that was promised to P.L.A.N.

    Tho, it will be tough to reinstate the groomed trail.

  4. Thanks for the new map Ben. I'll check out that "fantastic" piece of real estate.
